User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 48
Version 3.2 / December 2017
4.1.7 Menu item ‘‘1.7 SNACK 1’’ / ‘‘1.8 SNACK 2’’
The given menu items are used to configure the machines which sell snacks and are not used for ma
chines type “NERO”.
For proper functioning of the machine, in sub-menu “1.1.12 Snack number” set value to 0. In this case
the menu items “1.7 SNACK 1” and “1.8 SNACK 2” will be hidden.
Value Product 2 type
Configuration of the type of second product, which is sold as
part of the combinational sale.
Snack 1 (not used)
Snack 2 (not used)
Hot 1
Hot 2 Product 2 number
Configuration of button number, which holds the second drink,
which is sold as part of the combinational sale
1...15 (drinks)
10...8B (not used) Product 3 type
Configuration of the type of the third product, which is sold as
part of the combinational sale.
Snack 1 (not used)
Snack 2 (not used)
Hot 1
Hot 2 Product 3 number
Configuration of the button number, which holds the third prod
uct, which is sold as part of combinational sale.
This menu item is not shown if s.c. = NO
1...15 (drinks)
10...8B (not used) Product 4 type
Configuration of the type of the fourth product, which is sold as
part of the combo-sale.
This item is hidden if s.c.
Snack 1 (not used)
Snack 2 (not used)
Hot 1
Hot 2 Product 4 number
Configuration of the button number, which holds product four
which is a part of the combo-sale.
This item is hidden if s.c.
1...15 (drinks)
10...8B (not used) Price
Similar to s.c.1.6.1…
1.6.7 Double selection 98
Configuration of the second combo-sale (sale of several prod
ucts in one transaction) s.c.1.6.7… are similar to the
relevant s.c.1.6.6…
Yes - to sub-
1.6.8 Double selection 97
Configuration of the second combo-sale (sale of several prod
ucts in one transaction) s.c.1.6.8… are similar to the
relevant s.c.1.6.6…
Yes - to sub-
1.6.9 Double selection 96
Configuration of the second combo-sale (sale of several prod
ucts in one transaction) s.c.1.6.9… are similar to the
relevant s.c.1.6.6…
Yes - to sub-