User manual for NERO / NERO INSTANT
Page 22
Version 3.2 / December 2017
Increasing the capacity of the espresso group’s chamber:
1. Remove the espresso group;
2. Make sure that there is only on restricting nut under the spring of the piston’s spring;
3. Push the piston (forcer) in the direction of the arrows 1 (see figure 27);
4. Remove the restricting (stopper) nut 2 from the current position (factory setting A);
5. Install the stopper nut in position B to increase the chamber capacity;
6. Release the piston;
7. Reinstall the espresso group.
Figure 27 - Regulating the capacity of the espresso group chamber
ATTENTION: If the capacity of the chamber will not be increased for the cases described in
this manual, the espresso group can malfunction (displaying errors “Open group”, “Closed
group” and blockage of coffee bean based drinks), as well as mechanical failures.