Version 3.4 / November 2016
Page 78
The Machine’s average faultless span is 8000hours.
The average lifespan is no less than 8 years.
The indicated time periods are valid only if the user adheres to the requirements stipulated by the cur-
rent Manuals and documentation.
Only the engineering personnel of authorized service centers have the right to diagnose and repair the
6.0 StoRAGE
The Machine should be stored on a tray in manufacturer’s packing in vertical position, at the same time
it is prohibited to stack the Machines on each other.
The distance between the packed Machine and the source of heating should not be less than 0.5 me-
The Machines should be stored under the following conditions:
- the air temperature should be from plus 5 to plus 40
- relative humidity at plus 25
C should not be more than 85%
The air in the storage facility should not be dusty and should not have acidic vapours and alkali in it, as
well as gases, which cause corrosion.
The information about the Machine’s storage must be added in the product certificate, which is included
in the documentation, supplied with the Machine by the manufacturer.
7.0 tRANSPoRtAtIoN
The Machine should be transported in the transportation packing, by any means of transport, except for
air transport in accordance with the terms of transportation:
Direct shipment by automobiles for distances of up to 1000 km on asphalt or concrete roads (first cat
egory roads) without any speed limits or at a speed of up to 40 km/h for distances of up to 250 km over
pebble roads or gravel roads (second and third category roads);
Combined transportation using trains, river transport, and also on automobiles, as well sea transport in
Placement and fixing of the Machine in means of transport should be such that the Machine should not
fall, move around and hitting something or impacting with other objects or with each other.
Conditions of transportation machines in terms of the impact of climatic factors must be carried out at
an ambient temperature range from minus 35
to plus 50
Transportation of the Machine must should be carried-out by trained personnel. The Machine must be
placed on a tray. You should use fork lifts for moving the Machine all around (see figure 18).
The Machine should be moved using the fork lift very slowly, to avoid its fall or dangerous movement.
Protect the Machine against:
- impacts;
- Effects of external factors;
- Storage of Machines in highly humid premises.
The Machine should not be used for any other purpose other than the designated one.
The manufacturer bears no liability for damage, caused by partial or complete non-compliance with the
above mentioned requirements.
Storage – it is prohibited to stack the Machines on each other.