Version 3.4 / November 2016
Page 66
The machine’s Regulator allows Machine’s configuration, software updates and data recovery by ex
changing files using a USB drive (flash drive).
The drive is connected to the USB connector on the Regulator’s board (see figure 7, position 3). The
USB must be connected while in sales mode. When you connect the USB drive the Machine’s display will
show relevant information about the drive.
! To work with the machine is only suitable USB-flash drives! Disk drives and flash drives are not
supported. Supports USB-flash drives with FAT16 or FAT32. Other file systems (including NTFS) not supported.
Information that can be read on the USB-flash drive with the machine:
Statistical data (Audit):
information about the Machine’s operations, sales, equipment functioning
and logs. Stored in a file format EVA-DTS, file name:Axxmmddi.DTS. If the Machine’s clock’s not work
ing the file name will be Axx_i.DTS.
- хх =
last two digits of the serial number, set in clause 1.1.2 of the Technician’s menu.
- mm = Month (if date and time are set for the Machine)
- dd = Day (if date and time are set)
- i = digit from 0 to 9. You can save up to 10 files with different names in 24 hours.
To read the information you want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller board in
the trade mode and confirm the request:
‘‘Save audit?’
• The current configuration
: File format EVA-DTS. File name: Cxxxxxxx.DTS, C then the 7-digit serial
number of the machine, specified in clause 1.1.2 of
he Technician’s menu (for example: C0000123.
This file contains equipment configuration information, as well as information about the names, place
ments and prices of products.
To read the information you want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller board in
the trade mode and confirm the request:
‘‘Write Configuration?’’