Operating Manual for UTD2000/3000
In digital storage oscilloscope to set the probe
attenuation factor. The attenuation coefficient of
vertical gear ratio change instruments, which
makes measure ment resultsSetup method of
attenuation coefficient of probe is as follows to
show amplitude of measured signals correctly.
Please press
Figure 1-6 Setup of deflection coefficient of probe
on digital storage oscillograph
F4 key for menu display of 10×
Connect probe and grounding clip to
corresponding connection ends then press [AUTO]
button. As shown in Figure 1-7, square wave (1kHz,
about 3V and peak value) can be displayed within
several seconds. It has to inspect CH2 by the same
method then press [OFF] function button so as to
power off CH1. It has to press [CH2] function button
to power on CH2 and repeat the second and third
Probe ration
Figure 1