Step by step
Once a clip has been inserted into the Library, you can drag it to the Timeline to put it into
your movie project. Color clips are great for beginning a movie. Place your opening credits
over the top of the color clip and then use a cross fade effect to create smooth transition into
your movie.
Titles set against solid
backgrounds are often
easier to see than if set
against an image,
especially a moving one.
You can enter the red, green,
and blue values for your clip, or
click the color box to pick the
color visually.
Load color button.
Inserting a color clip
1. Switch to the Color Library by clicking
the drop down list and selecting Color.
2. Click the Load color button.
3. Choose a color. Click the color box and
select Ulead Color Picker to visually
select a color.
4. Set a Duration and click OK.
Using color clips
Color clips are simply solid colored backgrounds that are useful for titles and transitions. For
example, black clips can be used for an effective fade to black transition. They are added to a
project by selecting the Color Library, inserting a specific color clip into the Library and
dragging and dropping the clip into your project. The duration of a color clip can be controlled
just like an image clip.