The Video Wizard
The Video Wizard
The Video Wizard is the fastest and easiest way to get video onto your PC, arrange the
various scenes, and create a finished movie. It is a great tool for setting up projects for editing
in Ulead VideoStudio.
In the Start step, you’ll be able to quickly check your computer’s setup
and get your first project going. Begin by creating a Project. Just like a
professional production, a movie is composed of many separate elements.
In Ulead VideoStudio, these elements are conveniently organized into a
single project file, or *.VSP.
Depending on the video source device (digital camera, camcorder, VCR, etc.) that is currently
connected to your computer, the output is displayed in the Preview Window. To check your video source
device’s settings, click the Video Source button.
Getting started
1. Enter a Project name.
2. Click the Browse button to specifically select a location
for your project file (optional).
3. Click the Get Video button to go to the next step and
start capturing new scenes for your project.
Starting Ulead Video Wizard.