The Library
The library is a storage depot for everything you need to create a movie: video clips, audio
clips, still images, transition effects, music files, titles and color clips. These are collectively
known as media clips. You can think of the Library as a general manager for all of the pieces
of your project.
The type of clip that can be inserted depends on which step you are working on (e.g. Title or
Music). The most convenient way of working with clips is using your mouse. If you want to
add clips to, or use clips from the Library, first select the desired clip, then drag and drop it to
its destination. You can even drag and drop files right from Windows Explorer into the Library
Adding media clips to the Library
1. Click the Load clip button to open a dialog
box for locating the media clip to insert in
the Library.
2. Select the desired file.
3. Click Open when you are finished.
Deleting source files from your hard disk permanently removes them from your computer. You may
not be able to recover them again. Please make sure that those source files you are about to delete are
Trash can.
Deleting media clips from the Library
1. Select the clip that you want to remove
from the Library.
2. Drag the selected clip to the Trash can or
press the Delete key.
3. When prompted, verify whether you also
want to delete the source file from your
hard disk.
Load clip buttons
These allow you to
locate the clip you
want to add to the
Library. A media clip
can be a video,
color, image, or
audio clip.