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Test 1: B&D Test
Test 1 is the Bowie & Dick test program, with fixed sterilization
parameters 134
C and 3.5mins, which cannot be modified by the
operator or the technician.
Sterilization temperature: 134
Sterilization time: 3.5 minutes.
Dry time: 1 minute.
Max. cycle time: 30 minutes.
Average cycle time: 25 minutes.
Operations Sequence
Air removal phase; three vacuum pulses as described in the diagram
below. Saturated steam is introduced into the chamber until the
sterilization temperature is reached.
Sterilization phase; temperature and pressure are maintained
constant at the pre-set level 134ºC for sterilization time 3.5 minutes.
Fast exhaust phase; steam is rapidly exhausted from chamber until
the pressure is reduced to 10% above atmospheric pressure
(absolute). This is followed by 1 minute of drying without vacuum
and then by the operation of the air inlet until the chamber pressure
equalizes to atmospheric pressure.
Cycle start
Cycle end