Tsyklon Labs KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER Build Instructions Download Page 1

DIY Build Instructions – KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER [v 1.4 PCB SET]

First of, thank you for your purchase of the Tsyklon Labs KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER DIY Kit [details below]. If you are a DIY Synth
Veteran [or, as we like to say at Tsyklon Labs - “Hero of Synthesizer DIY”], then this kit will be a fun build. If you are a DIY Synth Novice, you
have selected a build that will certainly strengthen your skills – but, follow the directions and take your time with this build. It is not
exceptionally complicated, but there are a lot of steps. During the build, you will put together many types of circuits – power, digital logic,
analog signal manipulation, high voltage DC [160V], and cold cathode tubes. If you are into coding, you'll even have the option of creating
your own alternate frmware for the Chaos Divider HV. Also, if you are not familiar with component naming, please check out page 37.

First, let's make sure that you have everything on hand before we heat up the iron. The tools you will need are as follows:

- Soldering Iron [if you have both a fne point and a chisel point, that will work well] and Solder
- Wire Cutters
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Fine Point Tweezers [ESD safe is preferred]
- 2.5mm Allen Wrench or Small Phillips Screw Driver for tightening M3 screws on PCB Standofs
- 10mm Deep Well Socket for tightening Potentiometer nuts and 7mm for Toggle Switch nuts
- Knurled Nut Tool [Xicon 382-0006] or 8mm Socket for tightening Jack nuts
- Insulated Trimmer Resistor adjustment tool
- Voltmeter w/ clip leads for trimming On Board Voltage Regulators [10VDC and 160VDC]
- Two pieces of electrical tape, both 2.5” [64mm] long

The following parts have been included in your kit:

Qty Part Description


Kosmodrom Chaos Divider Front Panel [WHITE Aluminum Panel with BLUE, BLACK, and RED screen printing]


Kosmodrom Chaos Divider Power/Logic Printed Circuit Board v1.4 [RED Solder Mask with BLACK screen printing]


Kosmodrom Chaos Divider Signal Printed Circuit Board v1.4 [BLUE Solder Mask, with WHITE screen printing]


Kosmodrom Chaos Divider Control Printed Circuit Board v1.4 [WHITE Solder Mask with BLACK screen printing]


Orange Water-clear 3mm Orange LEDs [2 pin]


Common Cathode 3mm Red/Blue LED [3 pin]




[IN-17] 10 Digit Nixie Cold Cathode, Common Anode Vacuum Tube




[KM155ID1] Ceramic Nixie Driver IC [16 pin DIP IC]


Microchip PIC18F4520 Microcontroller Chaos Engine with Chaos Divider v1.4.x frmware [40 pin DIP IC] with 40 Pin Socket



V 1.4

Page 1

Summary of Contents for KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER

Page 1: ...utters NeedleNosePliers FinePointTweezers ESDsafeispreferred 2 5mmAllenWrenchorSmallPhillipsScrewDriverfortighteningM3screwsonPCBStandofs 10mmDeepWellSocketfortighteningPotentiometernutsand7mmforToggleSwitchnuts KnurledNutTool Xicon382 0006 or8mmSocketfortighteningJacknuts InsulatedTrimmerResistoradjustmenttool Voltmeterw clipleadsfortrimmingOnBoardVoltageRegulators 10VDCand160VDC Twopiecesofelect...

Page 2: ...t translates all of the real world Eurorack system signals to those that work with and more importantly will not damage the PIC18 8 bit Microcontroller Take note of the Do Not Touch screen printing images on the back of the PCB That is the locationoftheVoltageBoostcircuitryfortheNixietube so takeheedanddonottouch Andespecially donotlicktheNixiecircuiteither In fact it is not safe to lick any side ...

Page 3: ...ting Itshouldlooklikethis NOTE TheChaosDivider sfrontpanelsareprintedwithsolventbasedinks DonotusesolventssuchasNaphtha VM P IsopropylAlcohol oranyothersolventorsolventbasedcleanersnotlisted tocleanthefrontpanel Thereisareallygoodchancethatyouwillremovethe printingfromthepanel ALSOOFNOTE TherearefourMousercartsforthisbuild OneforeachofthePCBsandoneformiscellaneoushardwaresuchasfasteners andstand o...

Page 4: ...ts for the PCB below is a list of miscellaneous hardwarepartsthatyouwillneedtoassembletheKosmodromChaosDivider Qty PCBIdentifer PartDescription 5 F FStand of M3x11mmHexStand of Female Female 2 F MStand of M3x11mmHexStand of Female Male 11 Screw M3x6mmScrew 1 LockNutorShortM3Stand of M3x3mmHexStand of Female Female 2 HeaderPinShuntConnector 0 1 ShuntConnectorwithHandle Optional UsedifyoudonothaveaC...

Page 5: ...20MHzQuartzClockCrystalwithHC49UInsulator 1 C301 47µF 50VAluminumElectrolyticCapacitor 1 C303 0 33µF 50VAluminumElectrolyticCapacitor 3 C304 C305 C306 0 1µF 50VAluminumElectrolyticCapacitor 1 VR301 5kΩPCBMountTrimmer topadjust 1 10VREG LM317LZAdjustableVoltageRegulator 1 PF301 RUSBF110 Radial5 8mmleads PPTCResettableFuse1 1A 16V 40AMax 1 5VREG LM78055VDCVoltageRegulatorwithTO 220Heatsink 1 POWER 2...

Page 6: ...dD302 1N5817 intothePCBandsoldertheminplace 2 2 Next installR302 R307 6x10kΩ intothePCBandsoldertheminplace 2 3 InstalltherestoftheresistorsintothePCB R301 47kΩ R308 470Ω R309 220Ω R310 560Ω andsoldertheminplace DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 6 ...

Page 7: ...oscillator crystal CLK_XTAL 20MHz byinstalling the isolator onto the pins of the crystal and sliding it upagainst thebottomofthecrystalcan 2 6 InsertCLK_XTALintothePCBaswellasthe40 pinMicrocontrollerSocketintothePCBandsolderinplace Oncethe40pinSocket hasbeeninstalled pinchthedecouplingcapacitorstogethersothattheywillstaybelowtheSocketsothattheMicrocontrollerwillsit properlyintheSocket DIY Build DO...

Page 8: ...exception of C302 MLCC not polarised the rest of these capacitorsarepolarisedAluminumElectrolyticcapacitors andmust be installed withthe correctorientation the longpinonthecapacitor isthe terminal Alignthispinwiththe marksonthePCBforeachcapacitor 2 8 Next installthelastfewcomponentsforthepowersupplythatgoontothefrontsideofthePCB VR301 5k 10VREG LM317L and PF301 RUSBF110 PreparetrimmerVR301byturnin...

Page 9: ... wewillinstallthePowerSupplycomponentsonthebackofthePCB Beginbybendingdowntheleadsof5VREG LM7805 inthe middleof thethicker portion of the leads Use the pictures below and the screen printing on the PCB as aguide Insert 5VREG into its Heat Sinkuntiltheleadendof5VREGisasfushaspossibletotheHeatSinkwhileensuringthattheleadsarenottouchingtheHeatSink DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page ...

Page 10: ...ripe becausethePCBisRed denotestheendoftheShrouded PowerHeaderthathasthe 12VDCpins 2 14 Next install the2x5 malepin header MHDR_SPUTNIK and the 1x6male pin header MHDR_ICSP into the back of thePCB andsolder in place Tip Solderonepinofeachheader checkingthatthebaseoftheheaderis fushagainstthePCBandthatthepinsofMHDR_ICSP areperpendiculartothePCB Theothertrickthatmightbehelpfulistousea2x5pinribboncon...

Page 11: ...r LogicandSignalPCBs Matchupthe1x3pinheadersMHDR_NBL andFHDR_NBL the1x5pinheadersMHDR_OUTPUTS2andFHDR_OUTPUTS2 the1x6pinheadersMHDR_OUTPUTS1andFHDR_OUTPUTS1 andboth1x10pinheadersetsMHDR_INPUTS FHDR_INPUTS andMHDR_NIXIE FHDR_NIXIE 2 16 Install two of the female female stand ofs and two of the female male stand ofs into the Power Logic PCB so that the stand ofs areonthefrontsideofthePCBandtheM3x6mms...

Page 12: ...isachancethatanElectrolyticCapacitorcanfail sobesureto WEAREYEPROTECTION toavoidinjury ifthebase cap andcontentsofthecapacitoralldecidetospontaneouslygotheirownway 2 20 Insert Eurorack Power Cable For testing modules it is a good idea to use a Bench Power Supply or a regular Eurorack Power Supply that is dedicated for DIY building with no other modules connected to it just in case of an electrical...

Page 13: ...othe 5VpinonMHDR_INPUTSandshouldgiveyouthesamereading butitneverhurtstobethorough Next wewillsettheadjustablevoltageregulatorsothatitwillprovide10VDC Removeyourtestleadfromthe 12Vpinandtouch orclip it tothe 10Vpin Withasmallscrewdriver turntrimpotVR301untilyourmeterreads as close to10Vas youcanmakeit Anywherebetween 9 9Vand10 1Vwillbemorethangoodenough Your Power Supply test and calibration is now...

Page 14: ...tor 1 R217 1kΩ 1 4W 1 MetalFilmResistor 1 R218 2 2kΩ 1 4W 1 MetalFilmResistor 1 R219 470Ω 1 4W 1 MetalFilmResistor 1 R220 220kΩ 1 4W 1 MetalFilmResistor 1 L200 100µHFixedInductor 1 C215 330µF 25VAluminumElectrolyticCapacitor 1 C217 100pF 2kVCeramicCapacitor maybelabeled0 1nF 1 C218 2 2µF 400VAluminumElectrolyticCapacitor 1 IC200 NE555TimerICand8pinDIPSocket 7 IC201 IC202 IC209 IC212 IC234 IC256 IC...

Page 15: ...rojectDetail aspx AccessID a7c17e4863 Ifyoudon thavealotofexperiencewithSMDsoldering doyourselfafavourandwatchthisvideofromAdafruit Seriously watchit https www youtube com watch v QzoPxvIM2qE 3 1 InstallalloftheSMDchipcapacitorsC201 C202 C212 C234 C256 C278 andC209 7x100nF intothePCBandsolderthemin place ThepadsforthesecapacitorsarethetwosquaresonthebacksideoftheSignalPCBfromtheTLV2372OpAmpICs IC2...

Page 16: ...ponentmatchesthefatsideofthecomponentoutline onthePCB Take notice that the two DRAIN pins on Q213 are connected externally the two pins on the other side are not connected These two pins matchupwiththestripeonthecomponentoutlineonthePCB belowthetext Q213 TrimtheleadsforQ212 Q213 andD200 Saveone ofthetrimmedleadsfromD200 BesuretorefowthesolderontheQ212 Q213 andD200pinsafteryoutrimthem Takethetrimme...

Page 17: ...rolyticcapacitorsand mustbeinstalledwiththecorrect orientation thelongpin on the capacitor is the terminal Align this pin with the marks on the PCB for each capacitor Take note that C215 and C218 are mountedhorizontally 3 5 Thiscircuitisanimportantpartofthebuild Takeaclose look undermagnifcation ifyoucan atthe frontandbackofthePCB tobe sure that there are no solder bridges across component pins or...

Page 18: ...totheREDPower LogicPCB beingsuretolineuptheholesintheBLUESignalPCBforFHDR_INPUTSwiththe pinsofthepinheader SecurethePCBstogetherwithtwoM3x6mmscrews andsolderthepinheadertotheBLUESignalPCB 3 7 InstallIC200 NE555 intoitssocket andturntheadjustmentofVR_HVcompletelyclockwisetoprepareforthenextstep DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 18 ...

Page 19: ...DOUSVOLTAGES TakecaretonottouchanyofthecomponentsintheVoltageBoost CircuitwithyourbodywhilecalibratingtheVoltageBoostCircuit WEAREYEPROTECTION seriously we renotmessingaround DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 19 ...

Page 20: ...its travel You should now be reading approximately 300VDC 10VDC If your voltages agree with the specifcation turn VR_HV back to the fully clockwise position De energise your Power Supply power of your meter andremoveyourtestleadsfromtheChaosDividerSignalPCB 3 9 This is a good time for a break This time will allow the Voltage Boost circuit to dissipate any stored voltage in the capacitors While it ...

Page 21: ...09intotheSignalPCBandsoldertheminplace 3 12 InstallresistorsR221 R229 9x27kΩ verticallyintothePCBandsoldertheminplace 3 13 InstallresistorsR231 R232 R235 R236 R239 andR240 6x24kΩ verticallyintothePCBandsoldertheminplace DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 21 ...

Page 22: ...hem in place Take notice that these diodes areinstalled verticallyandthebodyofthediodematchesupwiththesolderpadpointedtobythediodesymboltriangleandthecathodestripenexttoit To be consistent and to help with any later troubleshooting I prefer to bend the anode lead so that the cathode stripe is fat against the circuitboard DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 22 ...

Page 23: ...neChaosDivideroutputs Whenthe trim pot is turned completely anti clockwise the output voltage is approximately 5VDC when turned completely clockwise the output voltageisapproximately10VDC Thehalfwayposition asshowninthepictureabovewiththelefttrimpot isapproximately7 5 8VDC Ilike tostartwiththetrimpotsatthe9o clockposition asshowninthepictureabovewiththerighttrimpot 3 17 Install the Nixie Tube Back...

Page 24: ...gnal PCB onto the RED Power Logic PCB being sure to line up the holes in the BLUE Signal PCB with the pins of the female pin headers Secure the PCBs together with two M3 x 6mm screws and solder the female pin headers to the BLUE SignalPCB 3 20 Atthispoint youarefnishedwiththeBLUESignalPCB fornow Itisrecommendedthatyoufollowthenextsetofassemblysteps closely Thereareseveralcomponentsthatmustbeinstal...

Page 25: ...a7 Youwillalsoneedthefollowingparts AvailablefromModularAddict Thonk orErthenvar Qty PCBIdentifer PartDescription 14 CLK ITV ITN MOD RST OUT1 OUT9 Inline3 5mmJackswithNuts http modularaddict com parts synth diy parts pj301m12 jacks includesnuts https www thonk co uk shop 3 5mm jacks includesnuts http shop erthenvar com collections 9mm potentiometers products smooth shaft vertical pot http shop ert...

Page 26: ...s sobesuretoalignthestripeonthecathodeofthediodetothestripeonthecomponentoutlineonthePCB 4 2 Next installdiodesD103andD104 2x1N4733 intothePCBandsoldertheminplace Thesearepolariseddevices sobesuretoalign thestripeonthecathodeofthediodetothestripeonthecomponentoutlineonthePCB DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 26 ...

Page 27: ...1x10 onto the male pin headers MHDR_O9 1x3 MHDR_O12 MHDR_O34 MHDR_O56 MHDR_O78 1x5 andMHDR_CONTROLS 1x10 ontotheBLUESignalPCB PlacetheWHITEControlPCBontotheBLUESignalPCB beingsuretolineuptheholesintheWHITEControlPCBwiththepinsofthefemale pin headers Secure the PCBs together with three pairs of M3 x 6mm screws and three female female stand ofs Solder the female pin headerstotheWHITEControlPCBandthe...

Page 28: ...3 5mm Jack OUT1 OUT9 9 x 3 5mm Jack DO NOT solder anyofthesecomponentsyet LeaveonehexnutontheSwitchandscrewitdowncompletely Besuretoclipofthealignmentnubsfromthe 9mm Potentiometers as well Depending on how parallel the front panel sits on the controls you may or may not have to install the fat washers one each on the potentiometers Make sure that the LEDs are inserted completely against the PCB an...

Page 29: ...chcomponent EXCEPTfortheLEDs DONOTsoldertheLEDsyet 4 8 Flip the assembly over to check that all of the Control and I O components are still fush against the PCB and the Front Panel If not makeadjustments Ifso completesolderingallofthesecomponentsexceptforthe LEDs Because ofsome tallercomponentsontheBLUE SignalPCB besuretotrimtheleadsforPB_RESETandVR_MODE circledinRED thenre fowsolderasneeded DIY B...

Page 30: ...etheLEDsareinplace solderthemtothePCB Aftersolderingthem it sagoodtimetocleantheback 4 10 RemovetheFrontPanelfromtheControlPCB Sincetheyarenolongersupportedbythefrontpanel begentlewiththeLEDs 4 11 Installthreeofthefemale femalestand ofswiththreeoftheM3x6mmscrewsontothebackoftheControlPCB DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 30 ...

Page 31: ...t 1 4 6mm past the bottom insulator Insert into the BLUE Signal PCB The leads do not go the entire way around the Nixie there is a space between the Anode lead and the lead for element 9 so it should be straightforwardtoensurethatyoudonotinstalltheNixieTubeupside down Referencethepictureforwhichleadiswhichandmatchitup withtheSignalPCB 4 13 Connect the WHITE Control PCB to the BLUE Signal PCB with ...

Page 32: ...he Chaos Divider to your power supply of choice and energise If no magic smoke comes out we are ready to proceed Slowly turn the adjustment of VR_HV anti clockwiseuntiltheNixie ignites andyoucanseetheZerodigitglowing Usingtheconnections0VTPandHVTP likeyoudidinstep3 8 confrmthattheanodevoltageisbetween155VDCand160VDC Ifnot adjust usingVR_HV untilitisinthatrange Also takenotethat theBlueNixiebacklig...

Page 33: ...to mark VR_HV with a sharpie for future reference as well as put an X near VR_HV to remindmyselfthatthisstepisdoneifIambuildingmorethanoneatatime 4 18 UsingtwomoreM3x6mmscrews downthroughthefrontoftheBLUESignalPCBintheholesnexttoVR201andVR209 installthe fnaltwofemale femalestand ofsontothebackoftheBLUESignalPCB DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 33 ...

Page 34: ... to the Nixie tube to fastenthemtogether Usethetwofemale malestand ofswiththetwootherfemale femalestand ofsontheWHITEControlPCB 4 20 ConnecttheRedPower LogicPCB totheWHITE BLUEPCBstack SecurewithfourmoreM3x6mmscrewsthroughthebackofthe REDPower LogicPCB DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 34 ...

Page 35: ...lltheFrontPanelontothePCBstackandinstallallnutsonswitch pots andjacks InstallknobsonVR_MODE VR_INTENS and VR_INTERV 4 22 PowerupandPlay Jobwelldone Udarnik DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CHAOS DIVIDER V 1 4 Page 35 ...

Page 36: ...m hightravelingat17 000mph 27 359kph SupportandContactInformation IfyoushouldhaveanyissuesorquestionsabouttheassemblyofyourKosmodromChaosDivider youcanreachusat diy tsyklon com Wewillmakeeveryeforttoreplytoyouas soonaswepossiblycan Ifyouwouldliketosignupforourmailinglist onemonthlyemailmax andoccasionalre stocknotifcations pleasefllouttheformhere http tsyklon com contact Ifyouprefernottosignupfort...

Page 37: ...Resistor C C000 Capacitor PB PB_RESET PushButton SW SW_INVERT Switch Toggle VR VR000 VariableResistor PotentiometerorTrimmer LED LED000 LightEmittingDiode D D000 Diode Q Q000 Transistor BJT FET orMOSFET IC IC000 IntegratedCircuit MHDR MHDR_NBL MaleHeader FHDR FHDR_NBL FemaleHeader FB FB000 FerriteBead XTAL CLK_XTAL QuartzCrystal REG 10VREG VoltageRegulator PF PF000 ResettablePolyFuse POWER POWER P...

Page 38: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 3 2 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 39: ...39 PGD 40 MCLR 1 AN0 2 AN1 3 AN2 4 AN3 5 RA4 6 AN4 7 AN5 8 AN6 9 AN7 10 VDD 32 VSS 31 OSC1 13 OSC2 14 RC0 15 RC1 16 RC2 17 RC3 18 RD0 19 RD1 20 RD2 21 RD3 22 RC4 23 RC5 24 RC6 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 40: ...TR 2 Q 3 R 4 CV 5 THR 6 DIS 7 V 8 GND 1 1 3 2 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 41: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A 1 2 3 Q0 16 Q1 15 Q2 8 Q3 9 Q4 13 Q5 14 Q6 11 Q7 10 A 3 Q8 1 Q9 2 B 6 C 7 D 4 5V 5 0V 12 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 42: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 43: ...4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 44: ...P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...
