Note: make sure your barbecue is completely ready before positioning the pizza oven.
Advice on using the pizza oven and barbecue:
Before lighting your barbecue make sure all parts are present and are securely attached.
Remove and clean the cooking grill and pizza stone surface thoroughly before commencing and
place them in their location.
Lighting your barbecue:
Note: It is recommended that you use an electric barbecue lighter or special matches which
specifically designed for this purpose.
Note: During lighting it is recommended that you wear heat and fire retardant hand protection to
avoid injury and your hands becoming dirty before handling any food.
Using fluid:
Place the charcoal in a pyramid shaped pile on the charcoal grill and pour some of the fluid onto the
charcoal, then add more charcoal on the top and at the side. Allow the fluid to soak into the charcoal
for at least 5 minutes before lighting.
Using an electric barbecue lighter or long matches light the charcoal and let it burn for around 20 to
30 minutes until the flames die down and the charcoal has a silvery grey appearance and is glowing.
This is important to avoid cooked foods being tainted by lighter fluid
Using solid briquettes or barbecue lighters:
Place the charcoal in a pyramid shaped pile on the charcoal grill on top of the recommended
number of briquettes or barbecue lighters. Light them using an electric barbecue lighter or long
matches, then carefully add more charcoal on the top and at the sides using tongs. Allow the
charcoal to burn for around 20 to 30 minutes until the flames die down and the charcoal has a
silvery grey appearance and is glowing. This is important to avoid cooked foods being tainted by the
aroma of the lighters.
Pizza oven:
Position the pizza oven on the barbecue complete with the stone and allow to heat up sufficiently to
around 180 degrees. Monitor the temperature using the temperature gauge on top of the oven.
Open the door and using a flat paddle spatula push the pizza onto the stone and close the door.
Follow the instructions of the pizza container if purchased, if home-made timings will depend on
size. Check the pizza regularly and rotate a couple of times using the paddle so that the whole
surface is cooked.
It will take practice to perfect the art of pizza so be mindful and constantly check.