EASy IP EAS Network Receiver - Operation Manual
Required Encoder/Decoder
Prior to accepting messages from the EAS Network Receiver, the encoder/decoder must be
configured for operation on the network. Refer to the encoder/decoder instructions to perform this
operation. A network path must be available for the EAS Network Receiver to initiate contact with
the encoder/decoder over a UDP connection. In addition, the encoder/decoder must be able to
initiate a TCP connection to the Network Receiver over the Network Receiver’s configuration port
(default 59910).
The minimum software/firmware version for the encoder/decoder to support the Network Receiver
operation is version 6.50. Ensure that the encoder/decoder, the EASyNIC card, and the
configuration software have been upgraded. See your specific hardware or software Operation
Manual for more information on how upgrade your firmware and software.
Perform the following steps to configure your encoder/decoder:
1. Start the EASy PLUS Configuration Software and go to the
Digital Config
sub-tab. In the
Network Receiver UDP Port
field, configure the UDP port that the Network
Receiver will use for initial contact. By default, the Network Receiver uses port 59912.
Changes to the network settings, including changes to ports
being monitored, require that the instrument be power cycled before
these changes will take affect.
To disable monitoring for Network Receivers, change the
Network Receiver UDP Port field to zero, program the configuration,
and then power cycle the encoder/decoder.
2. On the
tab, select the
Program Configuration
button and wait for the
configuration to complete.
3. Cycle the power to the encoder/decoder for the change to take affect.