TransVu Compact
Zone Input Rule
This determines which input(s) will trigger the zone alarm:
This sets an input or system function as the primary alarm trigger. Select from
Alarms 1-32, Activity 1-16, Preset 1-16, Disk Low, Disk Full, Panic, Archiving
Slow, Archiving Fault, Virtual 1-16, and Keyword Channel 1-32 (which will trigger
the Alarm if any or the 32 programmed keywords are detected on the selected
Zone OR Input
The Zone OR Input identifies an alternative input that can also be used to
trigger the zone alarm. This means an alarm trigger can be received on the
Zone Alarm Input or the Zone OR Input for the zone to be activated.
Zone AND Input
The Zone AND Input identifies that an alarm trigger needs to be received on
both the Zone Alarm Input and the Zone AND Input for the zone to be activated
and the alarm action to the automatically initiated.
Zone NOT Input
The unit will only issue the alarm actions if the trigger is received on the zone
alarm input and NOT on the Zone input.
Alarm 24Hr
This option can be enabled for alarms that do not require change at any time
and are to remain as programmed i.e. Panic Alarm. When this is selected, the
Set, Unset and Override options are disabled.
Entry Route Zone
This creates deferred alarms along a specified route while the entry time is
active. This is in compliance with BS8418 (the British Standard for remote video
reporting centres). Diverting from the entry route during the countdown will
result in the alarm being triggered immediately. This allows staff entry without
triggering an alarm prior to switching the system to Set mode.
Exit route Zone
This creates deferred alarms along a specified route while the exit time is
active. This is in compliance with BS8418 (the British Standard for remote
video reporting centres). Diverting from the exit route during the countdown will
result in the alarm being triggered immediately. This allows staff to exit without
triggering an alarm.
Exit Terminator
This will trigger the exit timer if the system is set. A countdown timer will
automatically start when the alarm is activated and ensure the alarm system
is not activated by other specified alarm triggers for the Set time i.e. allowing a
Guard to exit a building.
Entry Initiator
This will trigger the entry timer if the system is set. A countdown timer will
automatically start when the ‘primary’ alarm trigger i.e. front door, is actioned.
This ensures the alarm system is not activated by other specified alarm triggers
for the set time
Enable in Unset
Each alarm can be configured to be active when the unit is in a specific
operation mode. Enable this for the zone alarm to be active in Unset operation
Enable in Set
Each alarm can be configured to be active when the unit is in a specific
operation mode. Enable this for the zone alarm to be active in Set operation
Enable in Override
Each alarm can be configured to be active when the unit is in a specific
operation mode. Enable this for the zone alarm to be active in Override
operation mode.
Unset, Set and Override modes can be given more recognisable titles i.e. Day, Night, Weekend
via the Schedule menu (Record Settings->Schedule).