Digital Span Calibration (F15 and F17)
You must perform each span calibration point from lowest to highest absolute value.
1. Switch off the instrument by pressing and holding the ON/PRINT key for about 5 seconds.
2. Enter the Setup mode by pressing and holding the ON/PRINT key for about 20 seconds or
until the screen shows “F”.
3. Scroll down once using the ZERO/OFF key to enter the “Setup” menu. Instrument shows “F
4. While in the Setup mode, scroll to "
F 17
", and then scroll down once using the
ZERO/OFF key to enter positive span calibration menu. The display will momentarily show
C 1
" for the span calibration point, followed by a value with one flashing digit.
5. Use the four directional keys to adjust the displayed value to 111111 and press the
NET/GROSS (Set) key; indicator will show “FIT” momentarily and then automatically record
the fixture reference point
6. Place the first test weight onto the load cell.
7. Use the four directional keys to adjust the displayed value to the actual test weight value.
Increase the flashing digit by pressing the UNITS key. Decrease the flashing digit by press-
ing the ZERO/OFF key. Pressing the TARE key or the ON/PRINT key will change the posi-
tion of the flashing digit.
8. After entering the exact value, press the NET/GROSS (Set) key to save the value. If the
calibration was successful, the display will show "
" momentarily, followed by "
C 2
" for
the second calibration point.
9. Repeat steps 7-8 for C2 thru C7. At the conclusion of C7, the instrument displays the cur-
rent gravity settings, e.g. “9.800”.
10. If the local gravity factor is known, then use the up/down and left/right keys to adjust the
displayed value. Otherwise, just press the NET/GROSS key. The display will show “-donE”.
11. Press the NET/GROSS key to revert back up to “F17”.
12. Follow Step 4 thru 11 for negative span calibration (F15) if needed.
13. If the calibration was
successful, one of the error messages below will appear. Take the
indicated action to correct the problem, and then perform a new calibration.
" - The calibration test weight or the keyed-in weight is larger than the full capacity
of the instrument. Change the calibration test weight or check the input data.
" - The calibration test weight or the keyed-in weight is smaller than 1% of the full
capacity of the instrument. Change the calibration test weight or check the input data.
" – There is not enough signal from the load cells to establish a proper calibration.
Most commons causes include incorrect load cell wiring, a mechanical obstruction or a
faulty (damaged) load cell.
In order to save all parameter settings, you must exit all menus in the following manner: At
the parameter level, press the UNITS (up) key twice (two times) to exit the Setup Menu. The
instrument displays ‘SAvE’ and then automatically powers off.