Calibration Overview
Digital system calibration is accomplished in two steps: zero calibration (F16) and positive span
calibration (F17). A third calibration for negative span calibration is also available via F15. You
can calibrate up to 7 points per side.
Here is the recommended sequence for multiple fixtures and multiple calibration points:
1. Put load cell onto test fixture
2. Go to F17 and press the down key; indicator prompts for the first calibration point
3. key in number 111111 and press NET/GROSS key ; indicator will show “FIT” mo-
mentarily and then automatically record the fixture reference point
4. Follow F17 procedure as written for up to seven calibration points (do not exit F17)
5. Repeat steps 2 thru 6 for negative span calibration (F15)
6. Put the Loadcell onto the final fixture
7. Go to F16 and perform zero calibration
For dual wireless A/D modules systems (e.g. TI-500 RFTM-2BE), a digital corner calibration fea-
ture is also available. It does not require a specific test weight value, but the maximum weight
that should be used is approximately 25% of the rated capacity of the platform.
: Please perform corner calibration prior to executing zero/span calibration.
Digital Corner Calibration (dual wireless units only)
1. Switch off the force data instrument by pressing and holding the ON/PRINT key for about 5
2. Press and hold down the ON/PRINT key (about 20 seconds) until the screen shows “-F-”.
3. Press the ON/PRINT key until the screen displays “-B-”.
4. Scroll down once using the ZERO/OFF key to enter the “Bluetooth” menu. Instrument shows
“B 1”.
5. While in the Bluetooth Setup mode, scroll to "
B 10
", and then scroll down once using the
ZERO/OFF key to enter corner calibration menu. The instrument will display a value. This
value is the internal A/D count and can prove useful when trying to troubleshoot setup prob-
6. Remove all items from the weighing platform.
7. Press the NET/GROSS key to save the zero-point value. The display will show "
8. Place the test weight on the load cell/corner #1 of the weighing platform.
9. Wait 2-3 seconds to allow the internal reading to stabilize.
10. Press the NET/GROSS key to save the load cell/corner #1 calibration. The display will show
11. Repeat steps 8-10 for the remaining load cells/corners. At the conclusion of corner #4 cali-
bration, the display will show "
12. Press the NET/GROSS key to finish the corner calibration and revert back up to B10.
In order to save all parameter settings, it is imperative to exit all menus in the following
manner: At the parameter level, press the UNITS (up) key twice (two times) to exit the
Bluetooth Menu. The instrument displays ‘SAvE’ and then automatically powers off.