User Manual
TRAQC-8 04/2017 EN Rev.4
page : 34
Adjust Vbat A/D
Not available, used for calibration purposes by Tradinco Instruments
P1: XX-YY BARG (Pressure Sensor Adjustment)
The pressure sensors are adjusted at the beginning and at the end
of the measuring range, except for absolute sensors. The absolute
sensors are adjusted at 20% (provided this is less than 500 mbar
absolute) and at the full scale value.
To adjust the pressure sensor select the ‘P1: XX
-YY BARG' option
in the ‘advanced options’ menu. After pressing ‘ENTER’
key (F1),
follow the instructions in the TRAQC-8 display carefully:
Apply ~ (approximately) XX bar (low value), and press
‘ENTER’ key (F1)
Now the display of the TRAQC-8 will show the pressure
Press ‘ENTER’
key (F1) when stabilized: the TRAQC-8 will
store the output of the internal pressure cell.
Input using the ‘ARROW’ keys the actual input value
(pressure), and press ‘ENTER’
key (F1)
Now the entire procedure will be repeated for the high pressure
It is not important that the pressure applied exactly matches the requested pressure, as
indicated by the TRAQC-8. As long as the applied pressure lies around the requested value,
the calibration is ok. The only thing critical for the calibration is that exactly the value of
the applied pressure is entered, when the TRAQC-8
requests “Input Actual value”
When the two pressures applied are to close in range of one another, the TRAQC-8 will not
accept the data and requests if another attempt should be done.
Clear user adjustments
To clear the user adjustments select “clear user adjustments” in
the “adjust instrument” menu. With clearing the user adjustments,
all user made adjustments are removed and the TRAQC-8 will
restore to the Tradinco Instruments B.V. default.
Resistance input
Not yet implemented, for future development.