automatically assign the proper TCP/IP settings of the PCs on the LAN.
To apply this function, you should enter the following parameters:
Starting address: The starting address loaded automatically by the
DHCP server.
Ending address: The ending address loaded automatically by the
DHCP server.
Gateway: Optional. Suggest to input the IP address of the LAN port
of the Router, default value is
Default Domain Name: Optional. Input the domain name of your
Primary DNS Server: Optional. Input the DNS server provided by
your ISP. Or consult your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Optional. You can input the IP address of
another DNS server if your ISP provides two DNS servers.
To use the DHCP server function of the R410 Router, you must ensure
that all the computers on the LAN work as "
Obtain an IP address
" mode. This function will take effect after rebooting the
5.5.2 Client List
This page shows the information of the LAN client hosts, whose IP
addresses are assigned by DHCP.
Index: The index of the client hosts.
MAC Address: The MAC addresses of the client hosts.
IP Address: The client hosts' IP addresses assigned by DHCP.
Lease Time: The time that DHCP client hosts can use the IP
addresses assigned by Router's DHCP server. Before the time is up,
DHCP client hosts will request to renew the lease automatically.
5.5.3 Static Address
The R410 Router provides static IP address assignment to control the IP
addresses of the PCs on the LAN better. The static IP address
assignment table can obligate static IP addresses for the PCs with
specified MAC addresses. When the PC applies for IP address, the
DHCP server will assign the obligated IP address to it.
MAC Address: The MAC address of the PC that will have obligated
T L- R 4 1 0
Multifunctional Broadband Router User's Guide
T L- R 4 1 0
Multifunctional Broadband Router User's Guide