05 4RUNNER NAVI_U (L/O 0408)
While you are driving, listen to the voice in-
structions as much as possible and glance at
the screen briefly and only when it is safe.
However, do not totally rely on voice gui-
dance. Use it just for your information. If the
system cannot determine your current posi-
tion correctly, there is a possibility of incor-
rect, late or non-voice guidance.
The data in the system may occasionally be
incomplete. Road conditions, including driv-
ing restrictions (no left turns, street closures,
etc.) frequently change. Therefore, before
you follow any instruction from the system,
look to see whether you can comply with the
instruction safely and legally.
This system cannot warn you about such
things as the safety of an area, condition of
streets, and availability of emergency servi-
ces. If you are unsure about the safety of an
area, do not drive into it. Under no circum-
stances is this system a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgement.
Use this system only in locations where it is
legal to do so. Some states/provinces may
have laws prohibiting video screens within
sight of the driver.