❍ ❍
15. With the panel held flat on the table, use Medium CA
to glue the balsa Shear Webs to the Spars, between the R-3 ribs.
Note: The function of the shear webs is to keep the spars from
collapsing. They will not touch or be glued to the ribs. They
should be thoroughly glued to the spars.
❍ ❍
16. Make sure the wing panel is still lined up properly over
the plan.
❍ ❍
17. Position the "4" degree side of the guide tool exactly
where the end of the bottom spar is shown on the plan. Use a pen
to mark an angled line on the top and bottom spars. (The top spar
will be slightly shorter than the bottom spar.)
❍ ❍
18. Use the guide tool to mark angled lines on the leading and
trailing edges from where their bottom ends are shown on the plan.
❍ ❍
19. Unpin the wing and remove it from your building
surface. Use a razor saw to cut off the spars and the leading and
trailing edges at the marked angles. A bar sander is used to "clean
up" the angled ends of the spars, leading edges and trailing edges.
❍ ❍
20. Use a razor saw and a bar sander to trim the tip ends of the
spars, leading and trailing edges flush with the outermost R-3 rib.
❍ ❍
21. Carefully cut a 2-1/2" long piece off the 17/32" x 1-1/2"
x 30" tapered balsa aileron stock.
❍ ❍
22. Glue the 2-1/2" long piece of aileron stock to the wing
trailing edge at the tip as shown on the RIGHT WING PANEL
drawing. (This is done to the right and left wing.)
❍ ❍
23. Trim and sand the aileron stock flush with the tip of the wing.
❍ ❍
24. Cut the 3/16" x 2" x 24" balsa wing tip material into two
12" lengths. Hold the wing tip up to the end of the wing. Glue the
wing tip to the wing.
❍ ❍
25. Saw or carve the wing tip to the rough shape of the
wing, leaving it slightly oversized. Block sand it to final shape.
HINT: Put masking tape over the surrounding structure when