1. Cut the “Right Wing Panel” section from the wing plan sheet
and tape it on your building board. Tape a piece of wax paper or
Plan Protector over the plan.
2. Assemble the Wing Guide Tool from the plywood die-cut
1/8" pieces marked "G". The "0" degree (from vertical) side of the
tool can be used to check the ribs to see if they are vertical. The
"4" degree side will be used later. Do not glue the tool together.
3. The shaped balsa Leading Edges and Trailing Edges are joined
by a thin layer of balsa. These are cut apart in one of two ways –
Either break the pieces apart and clean up the rough edges with a
sanding block or carefully run a knife down the edge between the
parts to cut them cleanly apart.
4. Remove the die-cut 3/32" balsa Wing Ribs R-2, R-3 and the
die-cut 1/8" balsa Wing Ribs R-1 from the die-cut sheets.
❍ ❍
5. Use the criss-cross pin technique shown in the illustration
to pin a 3/8" x 3/8" x 30" balsa Spar over its location on the plan.
Pin the Bottom Spar in 3 or 4 places.
❍ ❍
6. Slide Ten 3/32" balsa R-3 Wing Ribs into place on the
Bottom Spar.
❍ ❍
7. Place the shaped balsa Leading Edge against the front of
the ribs and pin it in place.
❍ ❍
8. Place the shaped balsa Trailing Edge against the rear of
the ribs and pin it in place.
❍ ❍
9. Lay two pieces of leftover 1/16" balsa (Cut 1/4" off one
end of the 1/16" x 3" x 14-7/8" Shear Web material) near the
Leading and Trailing Edges under the location of Wing Rib R-2
(this will shim up the rib to allow for the sheeting later). Place
Wing Rib R-2 into position as shown on the plan.
❍ ❍
10. Insert the 3/8" x 3/8" x 30" Top Spar into the notches in
the ribs.
❍ ❍
11. Make sure all the R-3 Wing Ribs and the Leading and
Trailing Edges are resting on the flat work surface. The “Guide
Tool” is used to check that the ribs are vertical.
❍ ❍
12. Apply Thin CA to all the joints involving the Ribs, Spars,
Leading Edge and Trailing Edge.
Note: When gluing the spars to R-2, make sure the spars are
centered between the dihedral brace notches in R-2.
❍ ❍
13. Remove the pins holding the spar in place but leave the
panel pinned flat on the board by the leading and trailing edges.
❍ ❍
14. Cut the shear webs from the 1/16" x 3" x 14-7/8" balsa
sheet. Use the dimensions shown on the plan to assist in making
shear webs.