Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
5. I/O Allocation and Programming
PART 2 DA264
5.3 Programming
To output the desired analog signal from the DA264, there is no need to use any special
instruction. When the D/A conversion data is written in the assigned output register (YW
register), it is transferred to the DA264 and converted to the corresponding analog signal.
For example, when the DA264 is allocated to YW000 to YW003, the D/A conversion data of
each channel is assigned as follows.
YW000 :
Channel 1 D/A conversion data
YW001 :
Channel 2 D/A conversion data
YW002 :
Channel 3 D/A conversion data
YW003 :
Channel 4 D/A conversion data
Therefore, in the user program, you can use any instructions to write data in these YW
registers for the analog data processing.
The program shown below is an example of simple increasing/decreasing of the channel 1
analog data. (
10V setting)
Rung 1: During R1000 is ON, YW000 data is increased by 32 (channel 1 analog output is
increased by 0.01V) every scan. It is upper-limited by 32000 (10V).
Rung 2: During R1001 is ON, YW000 data is decreased by 32 (channel 1 analog output is
decreased by 0.01V) every scan. It is lower-limited by -32000 (-10V).
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