Chapter 4
Setting Up Station Programs
Set Schedule
Use Water Window
Select Srinkler Type
Precipitation Rate*
Sprinkler Efficiency*
Select Soil Type
Select Plant Type
Set Root Depth*
Set Microclimate
Set Slope Factor
Set Sprinkler Location
Set Usable Rainfall
Within the
function, watering schedules were set up
operation. Now, within the
function, the remaining setup requirements for controller
operation are completed.
To complete the station programming procedures for
operation, continue on this page.
For User-defined
station programming,
continue on page 29
Automatic Station Programming
When a station is programmed for automatic operation, the
controller calculates a baseline irrigation program suited to the
specific irrigation system and landscape parameters selected.
If the ET Everywhere service is activated, current ET data is
downloaded to the controller each night, providing the real-time
information needed by the controller to recalculate and optimize
baseline watering program for the next scheduled watering day.
The Program menu items required to complete an Automatic
watering program are as follows:
As you can see by this list, many factors are required by the
controller’scheduling engine to formulate an accurate baseline
watering schedule. To make the setup process as easy as possible,
the Intelli-Sense is ready to make some of the decisions for you.
The items listed with an asterisk (*) have default values entered
automatically based on selections made in preceding steps.