Cold Metals Lab
V1.0 11/7/2017
Zero X/Y/Z/A: used to zero the current G home to the location of the offset point. A is not currently used
on our machine (for turning)
Ref X/Y/Z/A: Sends the bed and spindle to their home positions. Used when referencing after powering
down or E stopping.
Work #: Tool Tip position relative to work offset position.
DTG #: Distance to go to end of current movement from tool path or MDI entry.
Step (.0001, .0010, .0100, .1000): Step size increment used with incremental movement. Click to change.
Recommended to leave on .0001
Slider %: Percent of max jog speed when using continuous movement.
Job Con/Step: Changes keyboard arrow movement type. Increment: movement length based on step
per click, 1 arrow press=movement of step distance
Rev/Stop/Fwd: Turns the spindle on CCW/Stops/CW
#RPM: spindle speed you want the spindle to run manually
Spindle Hi/Low: Current physical set up (our machine is default to HI)
Feedrate #: Inchs per minute for manual gcode movement
Go to g30: Goes to the work offset home position (x:0, y:0, z:0) specific to tool length currently
programmed in.
T# (bottom right corner) - Identifies the tool currently in the spindle, also used to fetch and store tools
Tool 0 is an empty spindle
If you change from a 0 to a number in the ATC it will fetch that tool
If you change from a 0 to a number not in the ATC it will think it's holding that tool
If you change from a tool number stored in the ATC to a number stored in the ATC it will put away
the current tool in the ATC and Fetch the new tool number entered. Entering zero will put away
the current tool and leave an empty spindle.
If you change from a tool number stored in the ATC to a number not stored in the ATC it will put
away the current tool in the ATC and allow you to load the new tool