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press “start/stop”button on the operational panel. The battery charge LED, Quick/Slow
charge LED will be turn into green, and the charger status LED will flashes red, green and
blue alternatively. The product complete normal start and self-check along with the end of
one beep.
1) Charging logic
Battery capacity>12000mAH
Battery capacity<=12000mAH
Fast charge
The charger will charge one
battery at a time, according to
the remaining capacity from
high to low.
The charger will sort the batteries
according to the remaining
capacity from high to low, and
can charge two batteries with
higher power at the same time.
Slow charge
The charger automatically divides the batteries into two groups, and
each group will be sorted according to the remaining capacity. The
charger will charge the batteries with low remaining capacity first,
when the battery has the same remaining capacity as the ones in
another group, then two groups will be charged simultaneously
until the end of charging.
Description of the battery charging status indicator (the quick or slow
charging indicator LED will remain on according to the selected mode)
LED flash rules
No battery access to the corresponding