UniFi can help facilitate or enable the following benefits:
• Download large (file size) DVD quality movies and music
video clips in a matter of minutes or even a few seconds
depending on the file size.
• Enjoy a new TV experience through TV over broadband
(HyppTV) where you can access TV channels over a private
network in high definition format with high stability. HyppTV
also offers the ability for high content user interactivity
through its Video On Demand feature.
• Work from home and stay in touch with your office or clients
and business associates anywhere in the world in real time
through high speed Internet, video and voice connectivity.
• Enjoy a richer, secure shopping and e-commerce experience
from the comfort of your home by accessing virtual shops
online around the world through real time video and chat.
• Play online games simultaneously with anyone in the world
in real time and high resolution format.
• Access educational services such as ‘study online’ and
participate in virtual classroom discussions with your tutors
anywhere in the world as well as enjoy a rich research
experience by being able to download books, journals and
magazines in a matter of minutes.
• Receive real time medical diagnosis and advice from local
and international medical practitioners in the comfort of
your home through high speed Internet, high definition video
and voice connectivity.
On the whole, UniFi will enable and bring greater value
for Malaysians through a richer digital lifestyle and online
experience, enhanced competitiveness and world-class
broadband infrastructure.