Shatian Town, Shatian Dadao, Mintian
Tel :(86)769 826653
Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
4. EngraveLab_Laser: Select this option and install a plugin that can transfer the drawings
directly from EngraveLab to RDWorksV8.
Origin (zero point): This is specified by the machine and must always be selected "top-left"
for Thunderlaser machines.
Size unit: Here you can choose between millimeters and inches.
Select installation path: Here you can select a different installation directory for your laser
software. We recommend that you use the default settings, otherwise some operating
systems may restrict the functionality of the software due to misinterpreted access rights.
After selecting your options, click "Install" and then brings up a window "Install Finish!”.
You can confirm this and then end the installation process.
A "RDWorksV8" icon will be automatically added to your Desktop, you are now ready to
use the RDworksV8.
Trouble shooting for RDworks installation.
If you were unable to install the RDworks,it’s possible that your
Anti-Virus software is blocking installation.
Please disable all Virus and Spyware Protection Features. After the
RDwroksV8 has been installed go back into your Anti-Virus software
and re-enable the setting that was disabled.