Thermo Scientific Orion Star LogR™ Meter User Guide
Advanced Orion Star LogR Meter’s Electrode Diagnostics
4. If cleaning a refillable electrode, remove the filling solution from the electrode
using the pipette that is included in the kit. Add fresh filling solution to the
electrode. Repeat removing and adding filling solution two or three times for
optimal electrode performance.
5. Rinse the electrode thoroughly with distilled water and read the resistance of
the electrode on the Orion LogR meter. Repeat the cleaning procedure if the
resistance value has moved closer to the expected, but is still slow to respond.
If the resistance does not improve (moves closer to the expected resistance) or
becomes worse, replacement of the electrode is suggested.
Viscous samples and samples that contain solid materials often require
additional cleaning and additional filling solution changes.
Reference your electrode manual for more specific care tips.