Thermo Scientific Orion Star LogR™ Meter User Guide
The LogR technology is only available for pH and mV measurements.
When reading relative mV (RmV) or ISE values, the meter switches to
, or
if an ATC probe is not connected. Selecting the pH or
mV measurement parameter will automatically switch the meter back to
LogR, if that was the setting prior to ISE or RmV readings.
LogR temperature value is not within the expected range.
Verify that the LogR calibration has been completed. If the temperature
reading and compensation setting was not set to LogR, the LogR setting
was not calibrated. The first screen when starting the temperature
calibration shows the setting.
The resistance display shows “--------”
The resistance input is over 6000 Mohms. This resistance value is
normal for a new electrode not yet placed into a solution. Prepare the
new electrode for testing and place into a solution.
After troubleshooting all components of your measurement system, contact
Technical Support. Within the United States call 1.800.225.1480 and outside the
United States call 978.232.6000 or fax 978.232.6031. In Europe, the Middle East
and Africa, contact your local authorized dealer. For the most current contact
information, visit www.thermo.com/contactwater.
For the latest application and technical resources for Thermo Scientific Orion
products, visit www.thermo.com/waterapps.
For the most current warranty information, visit www.thermo.com/water.