payShield 10K Installation and User Guide
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payShield Manager Commands
This section describes the commands used to configure the HSM for use with the payShield Manager.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support the payShield Manager:
Add a RACC to the whitelist (XA)
Decommission the HSM (XD)
Remove RACC from the whitelist (XE)
Commission the HSM (XH)
Generate Customer Trust Authority (XI)
Make an RACC left or right key (XK)
Transfer existing LMK to RLMK (XT)
Duplicate CTA share (XZ)
Note that the HSM's private key, the certified public key and the Domain Authority self-signed public key
certificate are recovered by use of the HSM Master Key (HRK) if a tamper attempt has occurred.