payShield 10K Installation and User Guide
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Secure Host Communications
This section describes the commands used to configure a payShield 10K such that the host connection is
protected using TLS (known as Secure Host Communications).
The Certificate Requests and Certificates may be stored on / loaded from a regular USB memory stick.
The required format for the USB memory stick is FAT32. The Operating System used in the payShield 10K
supports most types of USB memory sticks, but may not have the drivers for some of the newer types. If
difficulties are experienced when trying to read from or write to a USB device, an alternative memory stick
should be used.
The HSM's certificate signing request (CSR) structure is compliant with PKCS#10. The client must use the
same key type as is included in the HSM's CSR.
The HSM uses certificate formats compliant with X.509.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to manage the HSM's private key, the certified
public key and the CA self-signed public key certificate to support secure host communications:
Generate Certificate Signing Request (SG)
Import Certificate (SI)
Export HSM Certificate's Chain of Trust (SE)
View Installed Certificate(s) (SV)
Delete Installed Certificate(s) (SD)
Generate HRK (SK)
Restore HRK (SL)
The HRK enables the recovery of the HSM's private key, the certified public key and the CA self-signed
public key certificate used for payShield Manager.