Introduction: Simple C Tuning
Compiler Optimization Tutorial
3) Click on the ”Add to system configuration” button.
4) Click on the close button and exit setup.
5) Save the configuration on exit.
Load the Tutorial Workspace
1) Start Code Composer Studio.
2) From the Project menu, select Open.
Browse to: ti\tutorial\sim62xx\optimizing_c\
3) Select optimizing_c.pjt , and click Open.
Build tutor.out
From the Project menu, select Rebuild All.
Load tutor.out
1) From the File menu, choose Load Program.
Browse to ti\tutorial\sim62xx\optimizing_c\debug\
2) Select tutor.out, and click Open to load the file.
The disassembly window with a cursor at c_int00 is displayed and high-
lighted in yellow.
Profile the C_tutorial project
1) From the menu bar, select Profiler–>Enable Clocks.
The Profile Statistics window shows profile points that are already set up
for each of the four functions, tutor1–4.
2) From the menu bar, select Debug–>Run.
This updates the Profile Statistics and Dis–Assembly window. You can
also click on the Run icon, or F5 key to run the program.
3) Click on the location bar at the top of the Profile Statistics window.
The second profile point in each file (the one with the largest line number) con-
tains the data you need. This is because profile points (already set up for you
at the beginning and end of each function) count from the previous profile
point. Thus, the cycle count data of the function is contained in the second pro-
file point.