for priming the loop, 6-51
for refining C code, 3-16
for removing extra instructions, 6-45, 6-55
using intrinsics, 3-16
word access for short data, 3-25
translating C code to ’C6x instructions
dot product
fixed-point, unrolled, 6-20
floating-point, unrolled, 6-21
IIR filter, 6-79
with reduced loop carry path, 6-83
translating C code to linear assembly, dot product,
communicating information to the compiler, 3-44
vector sum function
See also weighted vector sum
with const keywords, _nassert, word reads,
with const keywords, _nassert, word reads,
with const keywords,_nassert, and word reads
with three memory operations, 3-45
word-aligned, 3-46
dependency graph, 3-8
handling odd-numbered loop counter with, 3-27
handling short-aligned data with, 3-27
rewriting to use word accesses, 3-25
very long instruction word (VLIW), 1-2
weighted vector sum
final assembly, 6-76
linear assembly, 6-74
for inner loop, 6-58
with resources allocated, 6-62
translating C code to assembly instructions, 6-60
word access
in dot product, 3-28
in FIR filter, 3-29
using for short data, 3-25–3-40