Loop Disqualification Messages
A.1 Loop Disqualification Messages
Bad Loop Structure
This error is very rare and may stem from the following:
An asm statement inserted in the C code innerloop.
Parallel instructions being used as input to the Linear Assembly Optimizer.
Complex control flow such as GOTO statements and breaks.
Remove any asm statements, complex control flow, or parallel instructions as
input to linear assembly.
Loop Contains a Call
There are occasions when the compiler may not be able to inline a function call
that is in a loop. This may be due to the compiler being unable to inline the
function call; the loop could not be software pipelined.
If the caller and the callee are C or C++, use –pm and –op2. See the
TMS320C6000 Opimizing C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide for more information
on the correct usage of –op2. Do not use –oi0, which disables automatic inlin-
Add the inline keyword to the callee’s function definition.