Read This First
About This Manual
This manual is a reference for programming TMS320C6000 digital signal pro-
cessor (DSP) devices.
Before you use this book, you should install your code generation and debug-
ging tools.
This book is organized in five major parts:
Part I: Introduction includes a brief description of the ’C6000 architecture
and code development flow. It also includes a tutorial that introduces you
to the tools you will use in each phase of development and an optimization
checklist to help you achieve optimal performance from your code.
Part II: C Code includes C code examples and discusses optimization
methods for the code. This information can help you choose the most
appropriate optimization techniques for your code.
Part III: Assembly Code describes the structure of assembly code. It pro-
vides examples and discusses optimizations for assembly code. It also in-
cludes a chapter on interrupt subroutines.
Part IV: ’C64x Programming Techniques describes programming con-
siderations for the ’C64x.
Part V: Appendix provides a summary of feedback solutions.