must be discontinued immediately. If the slightest
doubt remains, the product must be retired or may
not be used again until a duly compentent person,
having subjected such product to the required test-
ing and inspections, has approved its further use in
It must be ensured that the recommendations for
use with other components
be met: Further PPE
components must meet the harmonized standards
under the regime of regulation (EU) 2016/425. By
combining pieces of equipment in a way that will
compromise the safe functioning of one of these
pieces of equipment or of the combination as a
whole, you will be putting yourself in danger!
Ensure all neighbouring components are compati-
ble. Ensure all components are correctly configured.
Failure to do so increases risk of serious injury or
fatality. It is the responsibility of the user that a rel-
evant and ‘live’ Risk Assessment is in place for the
work to be carried out which includes emergency
A plan of rescue measures that covers all foresee-
able emergencies needs to be in place before this
product can be used. Prior to and during use, res-
cue measures that can be executed safely
and effectively must be considered at all times.
Remaining suspended motionless in a harness for
longer periods of time (e.g., after having fainted)
may cause one’s blood circulation to be restricted
and consequently lead to a so-called "suspension
CALL immediately!
Possible signs of a suspension trauma are pallor,
sweating, shortness of breath, impaired vision,
dizziness, nausea. (incomplete list, symptoms may
vary greatly from one person to another). Therefore,
affected persons should, if he/she is still able to do
that, take suitable self-help measures in order to
prevent blood congestion in the legs (e.g., by mov-
ing the legs or taking the load off the leg loops, e.g.
by putting the feet in foot loops). If this is not pos-
sible, it will be crucial to rescue the person from the
suspended position as fast as possible and provide
the necessary emergency medical care.
The textile materials of our products consist of PA
or PES. The heat load must therefore never exceed
100°C. The metal components consist of aluminium
and steel. Chemicals may attack the material and
cause it to lose in strength. In case of reactions
such as discoloration or hardening, the product
must be retired for safety's sake.
The products much always be
suitable packaging (protected from dirt, moisture,
chemicals, UV radiation, mechanical damage, etc.).
Conditions of storage:
Protected from light (UV radiation, welding
machines …)
dry and clean
at room temperature
Not in the proximity of chemicals (acids, lyes,
liquids, vapours, gases, …) and other
aggressive environments
Protected against sharp-edged objects
, use lukewarm water and mild-action
detergents. Then, rinse the equipment with clear
water and dry it prior to putting it into storage. Dry
the product in a natural way, not near fires or other
heat sources.
, use only substances that do not
have an impact on the synthetic material and metals
If you fail to observe these provisions, you will be
putting yourself into danger!
Checking the equipment at regular intervals is
solutely necessary:
your safety depends on the
effectiveness and durability of the equipment!
Prior to and after any use,
the equipment should
be checked for wear or damage.
Also check it for the legibility of the product label-
ling! The use of damaged components or compo-
nents subjected to a fall must be discontinued at
once. If there is only the slightest doubt, the prod-
uct needs to be retired or subjected to testing and
by a competent person.
When using the equipment in occupational health
and safety to EN 365, it must
be checked at least
every 12 months by a duly qualified person