Chapter 5 – Composer Software
TestEquity 101H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Page 53
Time: Hrs Min Sec:
Set the duration of the step.
Ramp Time:
Set the speed at which the temperature or humidity set point is increased or
decreased to the step’s Set Point value.
Set Point:
Set the value to which the loop’s set point is changed by the step.
Guaranteed Soak Enable
to prevent step time from elapsing whenever the loop’s process value differs from its
Set Point by more than Guaranteed Soak Value for the loop.
Event Input 1 to Event Input 4
Only applicable if controller has Event Inputs configured. Set the condition on each input for a
Wait For step. Event Input options include:
do not wait for this input.
wait until a digital input is on or true.
wait until a digital input is off or false.
Greater Than:
wait until the process value is greater than the setting of the corresponding
Input Value parameter.
Less Than:
wait until the process value is less than the setting of the corresponding Input
Value parameter.
Input 1 Value to Input 4 Value
Set the process value against which the corresponding condition is evaluated in a Wait For
Jump To Step
Set the step number at which the profile should begin to repeat steps.
Number of Times
Set the how many times the Jump Loop step repeats the previous profile steps.
Number of Times is the number of times the steps are repeated not including the time they
are executed prior to reaching the Jump Loop step. For example if step 5 of a six step profile is a
Jump Loop with Jump To Step set to 2 and Number of Times set to 1, when the profile is run
starting at step 1 it executes steps as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Event Outputs: Event Output 1 to Event Output 4
Set the state to which the profile sets each event output at the start of the step. Event Output
options include:
the step sets the event output on or true.
the step sets the event output off or false.
the step does not set the event output; it remains in whatever state was
previously set.