NSG 3040A, 3060A series
Operating Manual
V 1.04
139 / 157
Ring wave Immunity as per IEC 61000-4-12
Ring wave Module 0.5
– 100 kHz
The internal coupling network is designed for
mains frequency
50 Hz / 60 Hz
Tests with 400 Hz
mains frequency
destroy the coupling network
. An external coupling
network is recommended with inductors and capacitors matched to the 400 Hz mains
17.1. Operation
The Ring wave menu offers different test routines for ring wave testing.
Click into surge
menu loads the
last used menu
. Of the following routines below.
Quick Start
Easy and fast online-operation with the phenomenon ring wave. In this menu the user can operate all ring wave
test manually with online change the most parameters during a test.
The operator can select between various preprogrammed test routines as required in different standards
The standard library is filtered according the EUT setting (AC, DC etc.)
User test routines
The user defined library where all created surge tests are stored.
The STEP library created during the actual session. The user can easy save a test into the STEP library. After
switching off the Equipment all STEP tests are deleted. Use “SAVE AS USER TEST” for definitive save the test.