16.2 Electrode Pad Placement for EMS
Electrode placement for electrical muscle stimulation is very important for obtaining the
best results. Place two electrodes over the bulk of the muscle, with one electrode over
the muscle’s motor point. The motor point is the area on the skin that is located closest
to the motor nerve’s entry into the muscle - about 1/3 of the way down the muscle from
the spine. Here it is easiest to trigger a contraction by electrical stimulation. Experiment
by moving the electrode across the skin until you locate the point over the muscle that
gives the cleanest contraction.
Large muscle groups may require stimulation with
two channels, that is, four electrodes simultaneously.
The electrode pads must always be used in pairs,
so that the signal can flow in a circuit.
NOTE: Always check unit is OFF before attaching or removing pads.
When exercising smaller muscles, take care to adjust the intensity slowly as the motor
nerves may be more sensitive.
Example EMS Electrode Pad Positions
Eye care
We all are familiar with it. The ever-increasing set of little wrinkles around the eyes. At
first, they’re accepted as laugh-lines and seen as a symbol of maturity. But, when the
eyes also start to swell up, deep wrinkles plough their way through the skin and puffy
lids appear, the time has come to do something about it.
You can use Programme 7 to stimulate the muscles around the eyes. You will notice the
muscles working straight away from the slight twitching. The activation of the muscles
stimulates the circulation. This relaxing skin care also contributes to an increase in well-
being, making you appear more awake and content.
Use small 25mm round electrodes. In order to prevent triggering unpleasant sensations,
you should increase the current strength very carefully.
• Do not attach electrodes from one side of the head to the other
• Do not attach electrodes to the front of the neck
flexistim instructions final.indd 42-43
27/11/2014 12:07