Ensure that intensity is zero before connecting electrodes.
Insert connection lead(s) into the sockets below the handle.
Rotate the body of the plug to lock the lead in place. Plug the lead pins into the
sockets in the pad pigtails.
To avoid damage, remember to rotate the plug to unlock it before removing
the lead.
Only pull the lead by holding the body of the plug.
16.1 Electrode Pad Placement for TENS
The placement of electrodes is one of the most important parameters in achieving
effective pain relief using TENS. You may need to try various positions before you find
the most effective positioning. There are several positioning methods:
Across the painful area
This is the simplest method. Placing one pad over, or slightly further away from the
spine than, the source of the pain. Place the other pad closer to the spine so that the
stimulation travels through the area of pain
TENS only works at the level of one vertebra of the spine. The nerves carrying pain and
the TENS stimulation into each vertebra cover an area of the body called a Dermatome.
Each nerve root serves a known area of the skin. You can stimulate the sensory nerves
anywhere in this area to reduce the transmission in the pain nerves. The nerves wrap
around the trunk and limbs in a spiral, so the dermatomes can give you a better idea
of where to place the pads. You can download a dermatome diagram from our website
Trigger or Acupuncture Points
You can use low frequency TENS to stimulate therapy points. Accurately locating these
points can be difficult, so you may want to seek professional advice.
Example TENS Electrode Pad Positions
Low Back Pain
Neck and
Shoulder Tension
Shoulder Pain
Elbow Pain
Knee Pain
Ankle Pain
Leg Pain
Wrist Pain
Where only two pads are shown on the arm, shoulder, and leg, use the other two pads
either on the opposite limb or place all four pads on the same limb in a square pattern
with each pad being about 4 inches apart.
flexistim instructions final.indd 40-41
27/11/2014 12:07