Programme 2 Resume Training 1
To promote growth of the slow twitch fibres. This builds muscle strength and helps reduce
muscle atrophy, keeping muscles ready for when you want to resume training. Used for
all type of
Programme 3 Resume Training 2
Progress from 2 as tolerance increases.
Programme 4 Resistance 1
Improving and increasing the capacity to develop very high level of muscle force over a long
period of time. Improving the efficacy of the oxygen consumption at the muscle level and the
capacity to withstand toxin build up, such as lactic acid. Used for sports activities that require
very high levels of prolonged muscle activity: Rowing, Cycling, Middle distance running.
Programme 5 Resistance 2
Improving oxygen consumption at muscular level and increasing the capacity to withstand
build up of toxins. Used with sports activities requiring prolonged and high levels of
muscle force: Cycling, Rowing, Middle distance running.
Alternative application: Lipolysis. Increasing the circulation, and modifying the metabolism
of the lipocytes. Helps stimulate the subcutaneous deposits of fat. Helps to reduce or
eliminate the - Orange Peel effect of the skin surface.
Programme 6 Maximum Muscle Contraction
To increase muscle bulk and volume and to improve muscle force. Searching for muscular
Programme 7 Muscle Toning 1
Strengthening the muscles, improving blood circulation and capillary bed density. Ideal
for applying to the Thigh, Legs, Bottom and Abdomen.
Programme 8 Muscle Toning 2
Similar to 7, but adding bulk in preference to endurance.
Programme 9 Force Output
Anaerobic activity - increasing the muscle capacity to a level of instantaneous maximum
muscle force, changing muscle force into explosive action. Used for all activities requiring
maximum muscle output in a very short space of time, such as Judo, short distance
sprinting, throwing the discus or shot-put.
Programme table:
2-10Hz Sweep over 6s
2-100 Hz sweep over 6s
80-150 Hz sweep over 6s
The pulse frequency varies from -30% to +60% of the set pulse frequency
over 6 secs. The transition is ramping (triangular wave function).
In IFT MODE both channels are linked and there is only one intensity adjustment. You
can adjust a desired intensity by pressing either of the intensity controls.
For your safety, when intensity reaches 40mA, the warning triangle flashes and intensity
cannot be increased.
Check electrode pad position. If you are certain that the pads are positioned safely, press
the SKIP key to override. The triangle will stop flashing and intensity can be increased
to 60mA.
IFT works in the same way a TENs, but penetrates much deeper into the body. So you
can use IFT with the same settings as the TENS programmes.
Many therapists believe, however, that IFT has additional effects, and can be used to
reduce swelling and muscle tension. One of the leading textbooks says:
Around this frequency the metencephalins are stimulated which will result in
short term pain relief.
This frequency has a beneficial effect on the immune system and tends to
make patients wakeful yet relaxed.
This frequency stimulates the production of endorphins and results in longer
term pain relief and some local anaesthesia.
1-100Hz This frequency sweep will increase the inflammatory rate.
45-90Hz This frequency sweep will depress the sympathetic nervous system so
allowing increased activity of the parasympathetic system and increase the
blood supply.
See the
page on
for some published clinical protocols for IFT.
flexistim instructions final.indd 36-37
27/11/2014 12:07