In this step the system waits for the operator to unload the wafers. A sonalert alarm will
sound. When unloading is done press <START>.
After reaching the END command of the profile process recipe, the recipe will return to step
0, the safety status. Only in this state another process recipe can be selected.
automatic profiling preparation
This is the automatic profiling preparation procedure, according to the Amtech/Tempress
standard. Automatic profiling defines the relation between the temperature inside the tube, as
measured by the
paddle ThermoCouples (TCs)
, the temperature outside the tube, as measured by
spike TCs,
and the required
power output.
Automatic profiling offers improved temperature
control and more accurate temperatures during process.
Paddle TC installation
a) First, the DTC needs to use the paddle TC signals instead of the spike TC signals.
This is done in the Tube control-sub menu-Assign control zones. Default the paddle
inputs are assigned to control zone 0, meaning the paddle TC inputs are not used for
temperature control. Changing the paddle inputs 1, 2, 3, (4 and 5 if applicable) to
control zones 1, 2, 3, (4 and 5) respectively will allow the DTC to use the paddle TC
The paddle TC consists of 3 (5) TC wires in a ceramic tube,
covered by a quartz tube extreme care is required to prevent
b) Secondly, the paddle TC needs to be checked for correct functionality. Put the
paddle TC connector labeled 1 into the connector labeled 1 on the rear of the
furnace (old systems have connectors at the front side of the furnace) while keeping
the paddle TC
the furnace. Check on the touchscreen in Monitor Menu-sub
menu-Main Detail Status that the paddle Actual value changes from 1499.9 (means
open connection) to room temperature. Repeat this for all other connectors 2 to
c) Thirdly, use a heatgun to test all 5 paddle thermocouples for correct functionality.
Aim the heatgun at one particular TC for about 30 sec and monitor the temperature
rise. If the temperature increases approximately 20
above room temperature the TC
is working properly. Remove the paddle TC connectors 1-5 from the rear connectors
and put the paddle TC in a secure place.
d) Finally make sure the paddle TC number 3 (center TC) is aligned to the center spike
TC. Measure the distance between center spike TC and the end of the profile TC
connection pipe on the tube. Adjust the PTFE paddle TC connector to the
measured distance and tighten it.
e) Put the paddle TC gently inside the tube.