ms, the microprocessor sets the amplifier gain to zero. The amplifier remains
disabled until the M-106E is reset, the output line is dropped and reseized by
the M-106E, or the unit is dropped and reaccessed.
Turn-on Sensitivity Options
The threshold at which the amplifier turns on is programmable. Although
changes are not usually necessary, the turn-on level can be adjusted for either
direction, or both directions.
Programming the Voice Switched Amplifier
Function 10: Amplifier Gain Level Setting
The M-106-01E amplifier gain (volume level) can be adjusted according to the
needs of each installation.
Do not set the gain higher than is needed to compensate for local
line losses. Dialing difficulties may be encountered in some locations if
the gain is set higher than required for local compensation.
Use the default value unless callers complain of low voice levels. Then increase
the gain by increasing the value by 3 until a suitable level is reached without
dialing errors.
To set the amplifier gain in dB. NN is the gain in dB (0-15) (Default = 5), enter:
Other aspects of amplifier operation may also need to be adjusted as described
in Functions 11, 12, and 13.
Table 1 Amplifier Sensitivity Options
Typical 1 kHz Turn-on Levels
Change in Typical Turn-on
Levels (dB)
M-106E IN
M-106E OUT
M-106E IN
M-106E OUT
Chapter 6: Voice Switched Amplifier
106E-101, Issue 1
Page 35