TP-8/16/24/32/64S User Manual Version No.: V1.2
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The user groups of the system cover Admin, DataUser, VoiceUser and Guest. Each group has the
default users, they are Admin, DataUser, VoiceUser and Guest respectively. Password and username
are not different. Users from different group have different rights. User from guest group only has
right to read, but has no right to configure; user from VoiceUser is only able to configure voice
business but unable to configure data business; user from DataUser is only able to configure data
business but unable to configure voice business; and user from Admin group is administrator,
possessing all rights. The following command is for user from Admin group, and they are invisible for
users from other groups after login.
System users increase
#system> user add {parameter1} {parameter2} {parameter3}
Parameter 1 is the username which will be added; parameter 2 is the login password of users; and
parameter 3 is the group that the users belong to. The parameter 3 is only 1, 2, 3 or 4, they are Admin,
DataUser, VoiceUser and Guest respectively.
System users modification
#system> user modify {parameter1} {parameter2} {parameter3}
Parameter 1 is the modified username; parameter 2 is the login password of users; and parameter 3 is
the group that the users belong to. The parameter 3 is only 1, 2, 3 or 4, they are Admin, DataUser,
VoiceUser and Guest respectively.
System users deletion
#system>user delete antion {parameter}
The parameter is the username that will be deleted.
All system users displaying
#system>user list
This command has no need of any parameter. All information, including username and user group,
will be displayed after the command is performed..
Commission command
system> debug {parameter1} {parameter2}
Parameter 1 is only “call”, pri” or “start”; and parameter 2 is only 0
3. Parameter 1 refers to the
commissioned objects that will be set, such as “Call” module and private protocol module, or the
“start” when the users begin to enter the commission status. Parameter 2 refers to commission level.
Normally, display of more information means the level is more lower. No any information will be
displayed at level 0. For example:
system> debug pri 3
system> debug start
Users are unable to perform other commands in the commission status. The command line status can
not be restored until you button “Ctrl
C” to get out of the status.
Document upload/download command