In this section, the user can also update the channel
plans to the latest version saved in our server.
The application also allows to configure the
channel plans according to the geographic area
you will use the meter.
The user can select the channel plans using the
feature Repository. In this window you can see all
the channel plan grouped by zones.
You can also upload to your meter the channel
plans of a geographical zone automatically. To do
that use the feature Set zone. In this window you
can see a map of the world, and you can select the
area where you will use the meter by clicking on it.
With this and considering the language selected in
your meter, the MOSAIQ6 will select automatically
the channel plans both in terrestrial and satellite
Display to see the
Save the channel plan
in the meter
Display to see the
Select the plans you wanto to
save in your meter
Save the channel plan
in the meter
3. SCR
In this window, you can setup the multiswitches.
The H30FLEX includes a list of multiswitches by
default, but you can add more or edit any of the
existing ones.
4. Quality profiles
Using the web application you can add new quality
profiles. The MOSAIQ6 has two predefined quality
profiles (head-end and outlet) that can not be
edited, but they can be duplicated. The duplicated
Click on the area where you will
use your meter
Duplicate multiswitch
Select the parameters to edit
Add new
Delete multiswitch
in the meter