iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
61 Setting PASO panels (EVAC ZONE Button)
When to the iRIS8 panel is connected one or several (up to 5) Evacuation Voice Panels (PASO), their operation must
be set in a separate menu accessible after pressing the EVAC ZONES button.
The connected PASO panels are presented with numbers from 0 to 4 (max 5 connected to iRIS8 panel). The iRIS8
panel always takes the last number in a network with PASO panels. Its number has to be programmed additionally into
the menus of the PASO panel.
The EVAC Panels operation can be set for up to 6 different Zones for Evacuation (EVAC Zones). Use the buttons under
an EVAC Zone number to set operation of the PASO Panel for that zone.
Every pressing of the button changes the state:
- The operation of the PASO Panel for the respective EVAC Zone is disabled/switched off.
(ALERT/Alarm) - The PASO Panel will start emitting audible Alarm messages in case of fire alarm.
(EVACUATION) - The PASO Panel will start emitting audible Evacuation messages in case of fire alarm.
ATTENTION: For correct operation of PASO panels, it is obligatory the ON/OFF times (ALERT/EVAC VOICE CYCLE)
to be set and different from “0”. The current settings on the EVAC ZONES screen are for respectively set Zone
Group. The EVAC ZONE settings can be set different for the separate Zone Groups (1-128).
For example:
1 PASO Panel is connected to iRIS8 panel. The settings
for the PASO Panel must be introduced into “EVAC Panel
0” section. The settings are concerning all zone numbers
associated to Zone Group 1.
In case of fire alarm event in the system (iRIS8 panel),
the connected PASO panel will start emitting Alert
messages in EVAC Zones 1 and 2 (A option is set), and
an Evacuation message in EVAC Zone 3 (E option is set).
EVAC Zones 4-6 are not used (OFF option is set).
Press APPLY button to save all introduced changes.
3.5.5. Call points Mode
This a submenu, where the Installer has a possibility to choose the type of the alarm mode if a call point has been
activated - Common or Zonal. Enter PANEL
Every pressing of the active button changes the state
- A general alarm will be activated with no
sense of to which zone the call point is attached.
- Only an alarm in the zone where the call point is
For correct operation of sounders in
zonal mode selection it is obligatory to set also ZONAL
option for SOUNDERS MODE operation
Press APPLY button to save the introduced change.