iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
39 Auto-addressing Menu
In this submenu the installer can perform auto-addressing procedure using two methods: auto-addressing by ID
numbers or auto-addressing by isolators (devices with built-in isolator module
– see
). The time to perform
auto-addressing depends on the system configuration and total number of devices connected to the loops. During auto-
addressing the system is idle for operation.
At the beginning the installer must enter the number of the loop for auto-addressing in the LOOP NUMBER field. The
number of addressed devices will be displayed in the NUMBER OF DEVICES field.
- Auto Addressing by ID Numbers.
Performing auto-addressing by ID numbers is recommended for systems,
where are installed devices without built-in isolator module
. The addressing procedure follows the order of the
ID numbers of the devices connected to the line. The order is according the device type starting with fire
detectors, sounders, call points and modules at the end.
To start auto-addressing by ID numbers in the selected
loop number, press the “Start Autoaddressing ID” button.
Confirm with YES button to start.
The blinking system icon shows that the process is
running on. In NUMBER OF DEVICES field is presented
the set number of addressed devices by the moment.
If the addressing is successful, the message
SUCCESSFUL is shown on the screen. The panel enters
in reset mode. In NUMBER OF DEVICES field is
presented the total number of addressed devices in the
loop. The installer can select next loop number to
proceed, or to exit from the menu with EXIT button.
- Auto Addressing by Isolators.
This way requires all of the devices connected to the line to have a built-in
isolator module.
The panel automatically sets address to all devices in increasing order from 1 to 250 by
following the sequence of their position on the line.
To start auto-addressing by ISOLATOR in the selected
loop number, press the “Start Autoaddressing Isolator”
button. Confirm with YES button in the next screen.
In NUMBER OF DEVICES field is presented the set
number of addressed devices by the moment. At the last
row are displayed the number of the currently located
branches in the loop and the number of devices found
into them.