iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
The panel is monitoring the current system status of all devices (2) connected to the loop. The status is displayed under
the system name of the device and has the following meaning:
- the device is in normal operation mode and it is working properly.
- new device found in the loop configuration. The installer
can save it by pressing the “Apply” button.
- the device is not responding. Possible problems with connection to the loop, removed device from its
base, etc.
– found device with a different type at the address. The type can be quickly fixed with pressing
the FIX TYPE button on the upper left corner of the screen. For the new device is saved the current set name,
address, loop and zone number.
the device has same address with another device in the same loop.
Examples for system status of devices.
New device connected to the loop.
Press APPLY button to add it to
system configuration.
Device with different type found at the
current address. Press FIX TYPE
button to correct, or REMOVE button
to dele
No device found at the selected
address (the address is “free”).
To change the device operation status (3), press the active button next to system name field. Every pressing of the
button changes the current status Enabled/Disabled.
The device is Enabled for operation. To disable it, press
the button.
The status is changed to Disabled and must be confirmed
with the APPLY button on the upper left corner.
To reject the change, press EXIT button to move back
without save.
The disablement of sounders in the system (type SensoIRIS WSxx and SensoIRIS BSxx) is not
according standard EN 54-2!
In case of need of disablement, because of fault for example, the panel will notify that
with a warning message on the screen.
To disable the operation of the sounder in fault, press
APPLY button.
Note: After disablement of a device, the system status
LED DISABLE will light on at the front panel and also will
be generated message for that event.
The status is changed to Disabled.
Note that, the
operation status of a disabled device is always set as
The event for Fault is cleared and another for
Disable is generated in the Events List. The icon
indication for sounder in fault is cleared too.