iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
1.1. General Description
iRIS8 is an addressable fire alarm control panel for detection, indication and signalization in case of fire alarm situation
in the protected premises. The panel is equipped with TFT touch screen and LED indication for the current status and
activated zones. The panel is available in two model versions in big and small metal box. The control PCB and the
communication boards are protected with metal cover with key-lock for limited access only from technical support
iRIS8 can operate as single panel or in a network with up to 64 panels, including IRIS/SIMPO Repeater, IRIS PRO and
SIMPO fire alarm panels. The connection in the network between the panels can be realised via LAN or RS485
communication protocol. Only one type of connection can be used in a single network.
The iRIS8 fire panel is equipped with back-up supply battery in case of main power supply failure. The built-in 3V pill
battery supports the uninterruptable operation of the real-time clock even in case of main and back-up power supply
failure at the same time.
1.2. Care of the TFT Screen
iRIS8 has TFT control screen, presenting clear view and user-friendly interface for operation. It is recommended to use
touch pen to avoid damage and contamination of the sensitive TFT screen during operation.
Do not use sharp instruments for pressing the screen, like screwdrivers, tweezers or pliers, because they can scratch or
break the plastic surface of the screen and the panel to become not operational!
The enclosure box is not waterproofed! Clean the metal surface with a dry cloth only, and the TFT screen
with cleaning sprays or foams containing no solvents (alcohol, acetone, ammonia, etc.).
1.3. Quick Review of the Panel Interface
Attention: The factory default language is set in English. You can change the language of the menus from
– PROGRAMMING – PANEL – LANGUAGE at Installer Access Level 3.
The front panel of iRIS8 presents detailed information of the current system status (1) and activated zones (2) via LED
indication. The operation, control and programming of the panel is via the TFT screen (3).
1.3.1. LED Indication for the System Status
The LED indication supports Users in operation with iRIS8 and presents a quick review of the system status without
reviewing the programming menus.
The events descriptions are printed on two separate paper labels and can be replaced if needed, including for language
change. The paper labels (numbered 1 and 2) are placed in two special openings on the inner side of the indicator PCB,
mounted on the back of the front cover.
Note: The front door of iRIS8 addressable fire panel is secured with special key-lock (1 pc in iRIS8 S; 2 pcs in iRIS8 B)
for limited access only from technical support specialist.