iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
25 Temperature Detectors
Available models:
SensoIRIS T110
– temperature detector, white (available also in black)
SensoIRIS T110 IS
– temperature detector with built-in isolator module, white (available also in black)
For detailed description of the main screen of the device
see item
. Press MORE button to access some
additional settings.
At the device settings screen the installer can review the general and set some additional parameters:
Smoke [%] /
Temperature [
Press the “Check” button to enter in a new screen to review the following parameters:
Threshold for fire [°C] – Shows the operating temperature of the detector, in degrees
Temperature [°C] – Shows the current temperature in the room, in degrees centigrade.
Device Group
Setting a Device Group number for controlling a LED remote indicator (RI)
– see the details
Day Class
Setting the day class temperature for operation*.
Night Class
Setting the night class temperature for operation*.
* NOTE: The currently set class temperature is displayed with small asterisk sign at the end of the field.
There are 3 class temperatures for operation: A1R (58
RoR), A2S (60
), BS (75
). To change the class, simple
press the active button next to the field and choose a new
level from the list.
To save the new setting, press EXIT button to return to the
main screen of the device and press APPLY button on the
top of the screen. Combined Detectors
Available models:
SensoIRIS M140
– combined optical-smoke and temperature detector, white (available also in black)
SensoIRIS M140 IS
– combined optical-smoke and temperature detector with built-in isolator module, white
(available also in black)
For detailed description of the main screen of the device
see item
. Press MORE button to access some
additional settings.