ADR-7000 / SAVER-7000 / GUARD-7
© 2017
– Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 0.98 October 2017
– Page 83 of 87 –
Thirdly copy the appropriate fields into Table 5 and calculate battery requirement and
system load.
Multiply the number of devices of each type with the current and calculate the total
When connecting indicating output devices such as horns and bells to output modules,
add their current to the total current for both standby mode and alarm mode.
Standby Mode
Current from
Control Panel
Standby Mode
Current from
the 24Vdc
source (A)
24 Hours
60 Hours
4 Hours
Standby Mode
Amp Hr.
({ } + { })
{ }
Alarm Mode
Current from
Control Panel
Alarm Mode
Current from
the 24Vdc
source (A)
5 Minutes
Alarm Mode
Amp Hr.
({ } + { })
{ }
Ampere Hours Sum
Ampere Hours Sum X 1.2 derating factor
Table 5
Power Requirement
– Final Calculation
The ADR-
7000’s power supply module can charge batteries in capacity of up to 12AH.
The battery enclosure can contain two 12V sealed lead-acid batteries, up to 20 (W) by
7 (D) by 12 (H) cm each.
For fire alarm control panels requiring larger batteries use the BC-3000 external battery
enclosure. This enclosure can contain two 12V sealed lead-acid batteries, up to 20 (W)
by 10 (D) by 15 (H) cm each.
If the system requires larger battery capacity than 12 AH add the TPS-34A Auxiliary
Power Supply with its own batteries. Please refer to the TPS-34A manual for additional
details about the TPS-34A auxiliary power supply.
Additional TPS-34A power supplies are required if one or more of the following
conditions is true:
The quiescence 24V current draw exceeds the control panel's power supply
limitations (0.5A for ADR-4004TSW)
The 24V current draw in alarm exceeds the control panel's power supply limitations
(4.0A for ADR-4004TSW)
There is a need for batteries in capacity that exceeds the control panel's power
supply limitations (12AH for ADR-4004TSW)
The voltage drop on the 24V lines exceeds allowed limitation (no more than 2V at
the furthest device, while still leaving sufficient voltage for the device to operate).